Saturday, July 11, 2009

I recently received a court summons for an unpaid........?

....payday loan account from 5 years ago. Can I just call an try to negotiate a payment plan with the credit investigation bureau that sent it on behalf of the payday loan company? There's no court date on the summons I got, but it says I have 20 days to answer the summons.....Please help!!! I live in the state of Arizona.

I don't want them garnishing my wages.....It's awfuly strange that the gave me this during the holidays.

I recently received a court summons for an unpaid........?

A couple of things. First is to check the statute of limitation in your state. You can go to your dept. of consumer affarirs website or attorney general. It may be the debt is no longer collectable. It's also highly unusual for anyone to take legal action on such an old account. Are you sure this is a court summons from a magistrate or is it just a a threat from a collection agency? If the latter then you should respond to them with a certified letter asking them to provide proof of the debt. Legally they have to send it. If they do not within 30 days then problem solved.

I recently received a court summons for an unpaid........?

YAP you can . but usulay its just a scare tactic to egt you to pay. If you can afford it pay it. get it off your credit report . IF you do pay it. Makesure they remove it off and send letters to equafax and the other 2 .

I recently received a court summons for an unpaid........?

If you received an actual summons it would have been from the Court in the county in which you live. If you received something from a credit bureau it was NOT a summons to appear in Court.

They are just trying to scare you and cannot garnish your wages until they get a judgement against you through the Court system.

You can negotiate a payment with the creditor but if it's been that long ago you may not need to worry to much about it (of course getting it paid might help your credit rating a little).

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