Was just wondering if anyone has used an online payday loan service, kind of really tight for cash, for like a week. Need to borrow but no credit card, need quick cash. Are they safe to use and if anyone has where are the best rates at????
Ever used a online payday loan service?
Very bad idea. The interest rate is 300%+. And they have complete access to your checking account.
Do anything else to get by -- collect alum cans, mow lawns, pawn something. Just don't bury yourself with payday loans.
Ever used a online payday loan service?
If you have a checking or savings account you can obtain a payday loan online. The interest is extremely high though. I got $200.00 and had to pay $300.00 back. They will automatically deposit the money into your account. Once the loan becomes due, you can either pay the interest to extend the loan (I think $75.00) or you can pay the full amount that is due. They are safe. USA Fast Cash is the one I did business with and kept in good standing with if I ever had to use their services again. If you can't find that website then just go online and search for online payday loans, and some sites will send you referrals of the companies that can service yor needs.
Ever used a online payday loan service?
It seems like an easy answer, but in the end you are paying way more than what was loaned to you. I tried it once when I was in a bind and it just created more problems for me. Not only did I have to pay back what I borrowed, but I had to pay back all of the fees and interest.
Ever used a online payday loan service?
There are a loan of online payday loan companies around. I would personally go to a store front payday loan place. Only get a payday loan if you know you can pay back in full on your next payday.
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