....payday loan account from 5 years ago. Can I just call an try to negotiate a payment plan with the credit investigation bureau that sent it on behalf of the payday loan company? There's no court date on the summons I got, but it says I have 20 days to answer the summons.....Please help!!! I live in the state of Arizona.
I don't want them garnishing my wages.....It's awfuly strange that the gave me this during the holidays.
I recently received a court summons for an unpaid......?
If it says it's from a court call the court. Is the court listed on the paper from the same state that you live in? I would look them, make sure you contact the court directly, and see if there is any case at all. You really don't want to ignore court documents you receive in the mail. Chances are the company is filing a civil claim against you, and they are sending you a copy of the filings they made with the court. It may be to early for there to be a court date yet. You can always negotiate with the collection company. The thing is that the longer you wait, the more money they will likely seek to compensate for court and legal fees.
I recently received a court summons for an unpaid......?
sounds like scare tactics. dont know if they can take you to court..... especially without a date.
I recently received a court summons for an unpaid......?
Call the court that issued the summons and ask what you can do. Maybe you can set up a payment plan with them. I think it's out of the card company's hands if its already in the court system. Or you can see a lawyer about this. I think there is a limitation to how long a debt can be collected. Maybe the debt you owe is invalid if it's been in long standing. Consult a lawer on this though.
Good luck!
I recently received a court summons for an unpaid......?
of course you can negociate with the company as long as you are willing to pay up your debt.what they want is just the money you owed them.
I recently received a court summons for an unpaid......?
I'm with triz. Sounds like baloney to me. I wouldn't even call those folks. I would call or email your state attourney gereral's office. It is probably an illegal threat.
Another organization whoch could help you is Consumer Credit Counseling Services. CCCS is not free, but is a low cost nonprofit agency which helps with this sort of problem.
I recently received a court summons for an unpaid......?
I think you got something bogus. There are two kinds of summons issued: administrative (like the IRS) and judicial. Both are going to tell you where to report, when, and why. Without a date on this, that sound suspicious. Then you state you got it from a credit investigation bureau--they have no authority to issue a summons.
Nothing can be garnished unless a judge orders it. If someone fails to provide proper service (including location and date) there's no way that's going to hold up unless someone %26quot;owns%26quot; a judge to violate the law and uphold a bogus judgment.
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