Payday loan services are worse than loan sharks. Do NOT get one of those. Because there is a limit on the interest rate a financing entity can charge, they get around it by charging %26quot;service fees%26quot; instead. You can end up paying 50% interest on your money with those outfits. At some point, the government will wake up and shut them down. Until then, the only way to try to get rid of them is to not use them.
If you need some extra cash, getting a job might be a good idea.
I am looking for a payday loan site for people without a job, but with income and only a savings account?
I believe you have to have a job to open a payday loan account
I am looking for a payday loan site for people without a job, but with income and only a savings account?
good luck on finding one................have a nice day
I am looking for a payday loan site for people without a job, but with income and only a savings account?
um, yeeaaaaaaaah! Good luck with that!
I am looking for a payday loan site for people without a job, but with income and only a savings account?
u got money comein in and a saveing account should b no problem
I am looking for a payday loan site for people without a job, but with income and only a savings account?
Loan sharks.
I am looking for a payday loan site for people without a job, but with income and only a savings account?
you could try
I am looking for a payday loan site for people without a job, but with income and only a savings account?
Payday loans, by definition, require you to have a payday (which means you have to have a job). Short-term loan options include auto title loans and cash advances off a credit card. Both options charge very high interest, however.
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