yes there are payday loan sites that you can trust. What you cannot trust is who is learking around those sites watching you put your personal information in waiting to debit your account as soon as they can and it looks SO real. It took me a couple of weeks to notice they were charging me for services I never agreed with. Companies I had never heard of before. And my bank was NOT helpful at all and even though I opened a fraud case I ended up with a closed account and bad credit. IF you use them I heard the best thing to do is type in the name of the site directly. DO NOT use a search engine and then click on the link. If you do you WILL get the loan from a legitimate business BUT someone may have been watching you that you dont know about. Get rid of the middle man and maybe what happened to me wont happen to you.
Are there any trustworthy payday loan sites?
Do you prefer to do this online or just go to your nearest payday loan stop? This is a list of payday loan agencies. I hope this helps.
Are there any trustworthy payday loan sites?
I dont know, but advance is certianly not one of them.
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